New Attitude

Welcome to my blog!

In this blog I will share with you my journey, where I have been, what I am doing and where I am going. I pray as you read each monthly entry you will be strengthen, encouraged and motivated to possess the land God have for you.

The past twelve years have been quite transformative. More about that to come….

I don’t know about you but 2024 for me will be a year of God’s favor and open doors. I knew this before 2023 ended. I knew I was returning to ministry, “Building people Building dreams”, I decided to prepare myself for all that God have for me.

Upon reflection and introspection I realize there were some things I needed to change to prepare myself for this next season of my life. So to clear the path for this journey I started with me. I went on a liver cleanse that eliminated medications, sugars, caffeine and all the stuff that was in my liver that was hindering my body from operating in pristine efficiency. Immediately after the cleanse I went on a journey of fasting and prayer. My goal was to remove all personal stumbling blocks. I Looked for habits I needed to break, relationships I needed to release or build, acknowledge any fear, anger, un-forgiveness or attitudes I may have buried and most of all unwanted memories of the past. Frankly, I wanted more of God. I needed strength and a new attitude. Charles Spurgeon said in his devotional Morning and Evening, ” All things on earth need to be renewed. As it is necessary to repair the waste of the body by the frequent meal, so we must repair the waste of the soul by feeding upon the Book of God, or by listening to the preached word. Without constant restoration we are not ready for the perpetual assaults of hell, or the stern afflictions of heaven, or even for the strifes within”.

What is God speaking to you in this New Year? I have a good friend who changed her church after over a 40 year membership. Along with a church change came a job change since she worked for her church. She said Gloria it has been my hearts cry for God to change my life.

Are there chains in your life that must be broken? Are there things in your past that has held you in bondage. Are there secrets that have held you bound and you can’t seem to break free? Do you need to change your job? Are you challenged to start your own business? Do you need to end a relationship? Do you have a vision for your life and the life of your family? A new attitude may be the gumption you need to fan the flames of your life. I challenge you to lay it all down. Dig it up confess it and walk away from it. We were created by God to live a life of freedom from oppression, depression and posession.

It is the end of January as I look back and I am so glad I did. I have a new mindset, new goals and new strategy for my life.

If you have not taken steps to revive and strengthen yourself for the New Year, I strongly encourage you do so it is not too late. I order to come out better than you started be honest with our self and with God. Pour out your heart to the Master and watch him tenderly and gently reveal the things you need to change/strengthen. Is there anything too hard for God?

Allow me to pray this prayer of blessing over you as we end:

“‘“The Lord bless you
    and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”’ Numbers 6:24-26